Sunday, July 21, 2013

APSI Training: Pre Gaming

This morning being awake did not agree with me. So I dutifully fell back asleep. No worries about driving to Fayetteville later in the day. That would have to wait. Around 10:00 I woke up with a laundry list of tasks.
1) do actual laundry
2) clean the dreadful litter box
3) pack, pack, pack
4) locate twin sized sheets and comforter from my parents (where the yesteryear gear lives)
5) shop for snacks and traveling supplies
6) eat lunch

Around one I realized lunch was in order. Delicious Vietnamese lemongrass tofu and thai iced tea did the trick, and somehow, after shopping, and the trip to the gas station...followed by a three store filled hunt for a transmitter for my cd playerless car, I got on the road. I should add that I had just an hour to make the deadline for check in at the campus where the training was going to happen.

Fast forward to now; skip the two hour drive (I swear it took less time with my cruise control speeding); skip one confused Saira standing in a parking lot, wondering what "quad" building I needed to enter; skip the bothersome trek with way too much stuff for a four day trip. These dorms are compact--dare I say cute, even? I met my roommate next door, a 23 year old statistics teacher from Chicago. I am impressed that this may be a nation wide event, and that I didn't need to hop on a plane to get here. I offered "Jessica" a car ride should she ever need one, and I fought with spotty internet. Now I'm considering my dinner options, and I think frozen yogurt sounds much yummier.

I'm excited about learning how to teach smart people. I hope I become smarter in the process.

peace out from a few floors up,


  1. Wow. Have fun and learn stuff. :) It sounds like it'll be an amazing experience.

    1. Thank you! It was really enriching. I'm thankful for the experience.
