Friday, March 22, 2013

Rain Brain

Sometimes when the weather gets a certain amount of dreary factor and overcastness, I start to feel my mood take a similar hue. When I woke up my throat was bordering on the sore side, and I took that knowledge with me to work, where I tried to disguise my feelings in a glass of tart sparkling pink lemonade. When I left work I found myself complaining about my day to a friend, so I immediately had to put a stop to it; I said goodbye, and switched my bracelet to my other wrist.

Let me explain the bracelet switch. I recently read from a book called A Complaint Free World. I actually got to talk to the author of the book the night I purchased the book because I visited the website, which you can find here, and called the phone number listed. I wanted to leave a message expressing my gratitude. Imagine my surprise when the very man responsible for the movement answered the phone: so surreal! Basically, the complaint free movement is a lifestyle and an attitude shift. You wear a bracelet (you can purchase some on the website for you and friends) or a rubber band on your wrist and each time you complain you switch the article from wrist to wrist. The objective is to go a full 21 day span without having to switch, no complaints. The first day I started I made it the whole day, but the next four days in a row I complained at least a few times each day: it's hard! If anyone is interested I have some bracelets left that I'd be willing to share. I think if people really lived with this goal we would be so much more helpful to each other with our lack of negativity circulating.

So when I have what I have coined rain brain, I think it's great to focus on pulling the gross mean emotions out of myself and channel the true me into other activities. It can be simple as switching a bracelet on my other wrist, or I can write about it, which you know I always advocate.

I think I will focus on making my appearance the catalyst for the rest of my mood today. Time for a post afternoon shower and a new ensemble to get the beginnings of how I feel to match the outside.

Peace be upon you,

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