Wednesday, April 17, 2013

the lesson

I started asking friends what I should write about, and I got a good suggestion last night. I was told to write about the most important lesson I've learned in life so far. When he told me this my brain raced with the possibilities of what I could consider as potential. I've had a lot of tough lessons come in my life that came at inconvenient times, or at least when I didn't feel ready (but isn't that when those guys show up?). Amidst everything I've actually taken in and benefited from in at least some small way, the lesson of kindness has stayed with me.

Back in third grade my class was playing a trivia type of game, and one of the girls on my team didn't know the answer to her question. At recess I shared a few words with a friend about how disappointing her performance was. Unbeknownst to me my teacher was right around the corner, and she heard me. In a flash she was in my face, widening her eyes, scary effect I might add, and spit flew from the corners of her mouth. I had to walk to the big tree and back and think about what I had said. I was in trouble. I don't know why my mind goes back to that day, but the event has never left me. I still remember that girl's name, and some of her expressions that day. I don't remember what my teacher said, but her intentions were not wasted. I have not always been kind or understanding in the face of disagreements, misunderstandings, or other like situations, but in almost everything I do, especially with people I don't know, I try to be warm, welcoming, friendly, courteous, and accepting. Unfortunately the people closest to me get the brunt of it, as they see the raw real Saira when she feels like unleashing herself, and I'm sorry for that. But for the tables I serve, or for the students that come into my classes, I have a smile, a laugh, and a generous spirit to share. 

So it's funny, but reflecting on this lesson has helped me realize this art is no art yet in my book, and it has yet to be fully developed and honed to better usage.

Have you been kind today? Kind to yourself and kind to all life, inanimate and animate?

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