Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chubby Cheeks

Day 2: That's right. I'm still chubbified from the wisdom teeth removal. I woke up at about 5:00 am with calls across the house. Once I had some codeine and my beloved ice pack face wrap, I was back to REM.

If I only knew I would have a pregnant dream! I remember crossing my yard and stopping to crawl on my belly, collecting abandoned jacks. My neighbor's yard looked icy, but it was just appearances. I walked cautiously, though, and I approached the entrance of a sort of hospital. Only this hospital was confusing. I went through a stream of hallways--none of which were deliveryish. And I didn't even look pregnant. This I don't understand. When I finally found my family and walked into the correct facility I was admitted to a room. I had bruising on my face and skin discoloration. My shower had a bloody towel over the showerhead. Once I accepted that I would not give birth that day, I walked back to my room where I was accosted by two different people who wanted to use my computer (all of a sudden I was in a school type place). I saw this guy I keep meaning to give pictures to, in real life, and he put his head up in the air and sauntered down the hallway. Away from me. I learned that one of ones interested in my internet was going to misuse my good nature and kinda take my computer hostage.

I don't remember how it ends. The detail alone is freaky.

Today I shall:
1) Watch "Revolutionary Road"
2) Attempt to brush my teeth without spitting out blood
3) Read one of my many new books (I'm obssessed with buying books whenever I can.)
4) Make another list
5) Hopefully progress to something more solid, foodwise

Tip #5: Make a present. For yourself. Wrap it up and everything.

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